Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I was at Pertang for the Christmas Day.
We past by Kuala Kelawang for Breakfast and herewith pictures for your viewing

Waiting for our breakfast
Nasi Lemak taste good

Nasi Lemak and half boil eggs


Rori bakar

Very traditional

Traditional Equipment for making coffee

The Deco

Very old table and chairs

The art

The art 2
I will have more pictures on my next blog.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

Hi to all my friends,

Its Christmas again. I was not able to update my blog coz I was very busy concluding my highway project. Anyway as I had mentioned during my first blog that I have bought a house in Pertang, good new is I have received the house in end October 2009.

I did no renovation but only bought items from Ikea and everything in the new house is of DIY.

Come tomorrow, we will be having a party at night with the in laws and some friends staying in Pertang, not inviting friends from KL.

Its durian session again. I will upload pictures of the party next week for viewing.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all.

God Bless.