Sunday, May 31, 2009

More Durian Pictures

I mentioned in my last blog that I will be going to visit my durian orchard to check on the development of the durians after flowering about 1 month ago. I would say this session, the orchard could produce about just 30% of fruiting to harvest. Cross your fingers for the result as many of you my friends will be invited for the durian harvesting trip. Herewith pictures of the durians in the size of the fist for your viewing. Enjoy.......

These durians will only be ripe and drop to the ground in two(2) months time.

After breakfast this morning while I was doing some reading, a friend came to my in law's house and told us whether we are interested to go pluck "Kuini" a type of mango. Sure we are interested! so we load up whatever necessary and drive to the rubber plantation where the trees are (2 trees only) My in law climb the trees, yours truly pick the mangoes from the ground.

Herewith pictures of the mangoes for your viewing.

Still climbing trees at 60 - wonder what can I do when I am also 60!!!!

Looking for the mangoes on the floor
Finding mangoes on the floor

The mangoes is very sweet

Since I was at the rubber plantation, I took pictures of the rubber tree which have been tapped.
Reach KL at about 2pm. Very tired.

See you next blog. Cheers.

Friday, May 29, 2009

My Breakfast this morning

I invited my wife for morning breakfast this morning before going to the office. Our usual Curry Laksa store was not operating so we decided to visit a coffee shop near the Kinrara Wet Market Area. The shop was at the other very end from Hong Leong Bank. To my surprise of my order of Tea Si, the tea cup came like it had not been washed for donkey years. My wife suggested to get them to change the cup but WTF man, the tea is already contaminated. To be fair of my statement, I down load pictures of the Tea Cup for your judgement.

When I took these pictures with my handphone, everybody in the shop were watching but no one from the operation got the F***ing courtesy to approach me to check what the hell is about and why I left without touching the tea. No more visit for me.

I will be going to my durian orchard this weekend to check on the durians. Will load pictures of the durians on my next blog.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

My favourate Lamp Shoulders

Well, well, well, to get you fellows hungry, here I would like to blog about my cooking of the juicy Lamp Shoulder.
I don't marinate my lamp coz I like the original taste and smell of the lamp. I like to cook them in the hot plate with black pepper and salt only. BBQ them over fire will cause the lamp to be tough and dry. Try yourself. Pictures showing my Lamp Shoulder.... yam yam..... enjoy.

The Lamp Shoulders in hot plate.

More food blogs will follow. Cheers.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Fresh Water Prawns

I am always fascinated with the Fresh Water Prawns because they are very tasty by its own.
Malaysian farm type are usually smaller but the river wild prawns are bigger. The Thai version are very much bigger.
Here are some pictures that I copy from the net from your viewing pleasure. Enjoy...........

This is a sea blue flower crab

This is a mud crab

The above pictures make me ..................

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Smelly Toufoo

In my life I have never tasted Smelly Taufoo before. During one lunch, my brother in law mentioned that OUG Pasar Malam does sell the Smelly Taufoo. So I put my order.
Came last Thursday, the Smelly Taufoo came to my house and we all began to savour the.........
herewith pictures for your viewing.

The Smelly Taufoo


My first bit was the last. OMG, smell like "shit" No more Smelly Taufoo for me....


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Birthday Lunch

Yours truly turn 52 on the 6th. May 2009. Received a Birthday Card from the Head Office with wishes from the staff.
As I am base at the LKSA (Linkaran Kemuning Shah Alam)Project site, the site staff proposed to throw a Birthday and Farewell Lunch for me and Mr.Liew respectively on the 16th. May 2009(Saturday).
Herewith pictures of the Lunch for your viewing. Enjoy...........

The Restaurant

Been visited by the Jalan jalan cari makan

The Site Staff of LKSA 1

The Site Staff of LKSA 2

Kai Lan with salted fish

Sweet and sour prawns

Belacan Asparagus

Fried Sotong
Foo Yoong Tan
Seafood Tomyam
Sour Curry Fish
Green Curry Beef.
This is the second time I've been to this restaurant. My comment for the food is like home cooked, not too salty, not too sweet and everything is just nice. The best food is the Green Curry Beef
Two tables of 20 pax inclusive of drinks cost RM 620.00.
My recommendation is you should try if your are around PJ.

The result of my enzyme

My last blog was to make fruit enzyme for drinking. Herewith the picture showing the mature enzyme after 2 weeks of fermentation and are ready for harvesting.

Day one

Day 14

Day one

Day 14

Hope your enzyme look the same. Enjoy....................

Monday, May 4, 2009

Making and drinking Enzyme

I was at Pertang over the weekend planning to take pictures and load up for your viewing the formation of small Durians after flowering but was disappointed that the first batch of flowering was not successful. Well, have to wait for two more weeks to get the result of the formation. Please bear with me.

I will blog about making and drinking Enzyme. Before I proceed, I will not be held responsible if you were to make Enzyme and drink them and get food poisoning.
There are many write up about making Enzyme in the Internet. Read them.
There are two types of Enzyme 1. the fruit enzyme for drinking 2. the garbage enzyme for cleaning to replace detergent and fertiliser for plant.
This is the Orange with Lemon fruit enzyme

Dragon fruit enzyme.

The starfruit enzyme.

This is garbage enzyme

Garbage enzyme

Garbage enzyme.

Garbage enzyme.

For making fruit enzyme, you need to have fruits with lemon a must.Always wash and air dry all fruits and cutting utensils and glass bottles. Many people use different sugar for the process but I prefer white rock sugar as the aroma is better.Time frame for it to mature is two weeks, longer time gives you more alcohol(no need to buy wine anymore hihi * you are moon shining)The benefit of fruit enzyme, please look up in the Internet. For your info, I have been drinking the enzyme I have been making about 3 months already and I feel stronger..........hahaha. Try it and I am sure you will enjoy drinking the enzyme.

As for garbage enzyme, I put in all the fruit waste and the residue after I harvest the fruit enzyme. For the use please look up in the Internet. Time frame 3 months.

Drop me a line in the box if you need further info or your success story.

Cheers and enjoy