Dragon fruit enzyme.
The starfruit enzyme.
This is garbage enzyme
Garbage enzyme
Garbage enzyme.
Garbage enzyme.
For making fruit enzyme, you need to have fruits with lemon a must.Always wash and air dry all fruits and cutting utensils and glass bottles. Many people use different sugar for the process but I prefer white rock sugar as the aroma is better.Time frame for it to mature is two weeks, longer time gives you more alcohol(no need to buy wine anymore hihi * you are moon shining)The benefit of fruit enzyme, please look up in the Internet. For your info, I have been drinking the enzyme I have been making about 3 months already and I feel stronger..........hahaha. Try it and I am sure you will enjoy drinking the enzyme.
As for garbage enzyme, I put in all the fruit waste and the residue after I harvest the fruit enzyme. For the use please look up in the Internet. Time frame 3 months.
Drop me a line in the box if you need further info or your success story.
Cheers and enjoy
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